Throughout numerous interviews, actor Richard Dreyfuss has memorably recounted the story about the troubled production of Jaws, where loudspeakers echoed the desperate phrase “The shark is NOT working!” across Martha’s Vineyard on a daily basis. The challenges faced by the small and exhausted crew of effects wizards seemed insurmountable, but their determination eventually brought the mechanical monster to life, and the rest is cinematic history.

Thirty years later, a group of inspired filmmakers and fans have embarked on a project to celebrate and honor the enduring legacy of this iconic film, highlighting pop culture’s unwavering passion for Jaws and its timeless appeal.

According to the American Film Institute, Jaws ranks among the fifty greatest movies of all time and the second greatest thriller ever. The now infamous behind-the-scenes lore of Jaws is arguably Hollywood’s most legendary and engaging “making-of” stories. Countless books, essays, and retrospectives have been published over the years, delving into the mayhem-fraught creation of Steven Spielberg’s landmark masterpiece. Yet, amidst all the tales told, there is a captivating story that still remains untold.

After almost five decades, Jaws continues to captivate and terrify audiences, defying the passing of time. It has transcended the realm of fad filmmaking, firmly establishing itself as a timeless classic. Even today, some of the most revered directors and writers cite Jaws as the catalyst that sparked their love for the film industry.

While CGI technology has revolutionized visual effects and pushed the boundaries of what is possible on screen, Jaws remains the quintessential movie experience that lingers in the minds of beach-goers, reminding them to stay close to the shore. Its enduring impact is evident in the critical acclaim it continues to receive, its ability to excite die-hard movie buffs, and its steadfast position among the top-twenty highest-grossing films of all time. Jaws has managed to transcend generations, capturing the hearts of new fans who discover and adore it, cementing its place as an everlasting piece of filmmaking history.

“There have been many documentaries abour JAWS… and then there’s The Shark is Still Working. Take it from me…this one is the best!”

Roy Scheider

“An absolute must-own for anyone who's seen Jaws at least 10 or 12


Scott Weinberg - FEARnet

“A stupendous adrenaline rush of nostalgia and

sloppy fanboy kisses that packs more historical perspective in its

dorsal fin than most retrospectives spend a lifetime chasing.”

Brian Orndorf -

"It is without a doubt one of the most comprehensive and indispensable works ever created to document one of Steve Spielberg' essential work that belongs in all Jaws 'fans' DVD libraries."

Steven Awalt - Editor,

“If there’s an angle to the Jaws story that isn’t examined in this giant sweeping documentary, I’m at a loss to put a finger on it".”

Ryan Stewart - Moviefone

